Society of Theravada Buddha
8133 Hartzell Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816-9728
(260) 447-9009
Many of you have been with us since we started Dhammarekkhita Monastery 15 years ago in Calhoun Street. We have come a long way in this journey over the last 15 years and we are celebrating our 15th Anniversary this weekend on Sunday 30th of June. We were hit by floods twice during this journey and the building was destroyed and renovated first time.When we were again destroyed totally and the building had to be abolished, our religious activities were interrupted and we ended up moving to current location at 8133 Hartzell Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816. 3 years after we moved to our new place, we were able to build the Sima Hall that was a place, necessary for ordination of monks who are the teachers of Dhamma and meditation. We are celebrating this 15th anniversary to honor those who initiated and founded the monastery and also the community support as well as support from dhamma friends all over the United States and Burma. We also show our respect and appreciate the Sayadaws ( who has sacrificed to travel a long distance from Burma to teach us the Dhamma ).
First Mon Buddhist Temple, Venerable Sondima
3725 McCormick Av.,Fort Wayne, IN 46802 260 420-4168
Mon Buddhist Temple
6505 Decatur Road,
Fort Wayne, IN 46816-3635
(260) 441-0549
Temple Jetavan Vihara
6615 S. Hanna St, Fort Wayne, IN 46816-1140
(260) 441-0558
Indiana Buddhist Temple Venerable Thalangama Devananda Thero (Bhante Devananda).
7528 Thompson Road Hoagland, IN 46745 Phone: 260-447-5269
Loving Kindness Meditation every Monday at 6:30 pm. Mindfulness of Breathing every Thursday at 6:30 pm. Sutta Discussion and Book Study every Saturday at 2:00 pm followed by independent meditation. All are welcome. The temple is open to the public.
MCNBC Buddhist temple 2025 Tillman rd (Burmese)
Venerable Saddha Kawthala
Saddha Kawthala is a Buddhist monk from Burma who has crowned a life of teaching, meditation and wandering with a freshly minted American citizenship and a commitment to the city of Fort Wayne.Digital Daily – subscribe to our daily newsletter Kawthala represents the many thousands of Thai, Burmese, Vietnamese and other Buddhists who now call this city home. He’s transformed a dilapidated house on East Tillman Road into a Buddhist Temple to serve their spiritual needs, focusing on the children. “To understand how to be good, how to be right, how to be unity,” he says. “Next 30-40 years they become good leader for the united states of America.”Kawthala spent years carrying Buddha’s message of meditation and peace to soldiers in Asian war zones, to politicians and dictators, to the continent’s wealthiest and her most impoverished. Before coming toFort Wayne he ministered to gang members in Los Angeles and now has answered a calling among those neighbors of ours who still feel like strangers in a strange land, but who now have one of their own to consul and comfort them, to do for them what the Catholic priest did for the Irish immigrant and the Lutheran minister for the German immigrant, as the great wheel of history turns and the chapters of our story repeat themselves with a new look and a new language and a fresh cast of characters.
Visit by Channel 21 T.V.
Wat Lao Samakky
Lao Buddhist Temple
6409 Decatur Rd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46816
Pa O Buddhist Temple, 2929 E. Paulding Rd., 46816
Dai Bi Vietnamese Buddhist Temple, 5965 E. State Blvd.Ch’ua Dai Bii, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Visit to Vietnamese Buddhist temple face book
Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Culture Center
Physical Address: 3655 Snoddy Road, Bloomington, IN 47401
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2563, Bloomington, IN 47402
tel: 812-336-6807 fax: 812-334-7046
e-mail: ;
Buddhism in Fort Wayne, from Journal Gazette, 1-2-2007 by Cathie Rowland,3590,0,0,1,0
Traditional Burmese Buddhist Kathina Ceremony
Theravada Buddhists’ new year is the three days from the day of the first full moon in April. “Thin Gyan” in Burmese
Fort Wayne Jewish Foundation JEWISH
227 E. Washington Blvd., Suite 205
Fort Wayne, IN 46802-3137
Tel: 219-422-8566
Fax: 219-422-8567
e-mail: fwjewfed at
Koran By Heart, HBO film
directed by Greg Barker goes inside the oldest competition for reciting Islamic holy book. Anew documentary follows three Muslim children as they travel to Egypt to compete in a tournament that requires young contestants to recite whole passages of the Quran.
Fort Wayne Bhajan Society, Inc.
Altar and Worship Center at Unitarian Universalist Meeting House
5310 Old Mill Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46807 260-744-1867
Every Sunday at 4pm, Vishwanath Gurudutt
Hindus in Fort Wayne
Their stories: I.U. Center for the Study of History and Memory
Temple site dedication:
Sathya Sai Baba Center Fort Wayne Medical Philanthropic Activities world wide-Fort Wayne stories
News-Sentinel Story by Kevin Leininger on S.A.I.
Sikh Gurudwara Of Ft Wayne
15020 Illinois Road,
Fort Wayne, IN 46814
(260) 625-3507
Visual narrative of Fort Wayne Faith Groups
Fort Wayne Islamic Center Al-Hidayah Center
836 Lagro Dr., Fort Wayne, IN 46804 (260)432-6605
Universal Education Foundation of Fort Wayne (Arabic and Islam)
2223 Goshen Rd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
Imam Noah Nuhu Abdullah
Muslim Community Help Center, Inc 1941 Chartwell Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46816-1384
(260) 447-4928 Offer meeting place and tutoring in English, Burmese and homework, Burmese Muslim Community of Indiana, Inc.
P.O. Box 5280 Fort Wayne, IN 46895
bmcinc at Ph. 260-247-0655, 260-456-8969
Regis Win Rashid(Khin Maung Win), General Secretary
Email: hhrsregisrashid at
Burmese Muslim Education and Community Center(Mosque)
Masjid Noor ul-Islam, 2121 Seddlemeyer Ave
Fort Wayne, Indiana, (260) 786-5828
**Islamic Community prepares Food Gifts for Islamic Burmese
**Opening of New Mosque
**History of New Mosque
Masjid Noor Ul-Islam Fort Wayne by
Carl Jylland Halverson
Islamic Center of Fort Wayne Mosque, East Central
Address: 1109 Chute St, Fort Wayne, IN 46803
Phone:(260) 425-9834
Bosnian Islamic Cultural Center Mosque
Address: 3828 Mobile Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Phone:(260) 220-2845
Masjid Al-Quds Islamic Center of Fort Wayne
836 Lagro Dr., Fort Wayne, IN 46804
(260) 432-6605
New Life Lutheran Church
Lutheran Agency for Missions to Burmese
Pastor James Keller, Senior Pastor
PO Box 15833
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46885-5833
Telephone: 260.385.0683
2424 S. Coliseum Blvd.Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803
10:30 am and 1:00 pm Sundays, 6 pm Wednesday Nights, Phone: (260) 420-3024
Vietnamese New Year at Saint Patrick Church
Ted Jylland-Halverson Video 2015 Catholic Tet
Vietnamese Cursillo Group St.Patrick Catholic Church
Liberian Children’s Ministry @ New Life Lutheran Church
An extension of the ministering arm of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia
Ft. Wayne Karen Baptist Church, 2323 Fairfield Ave. and Burmese Christian Fellowship (Burmese language) 2323 Fairfield Ave.
Contact for FW Karen Baptist Church is Mrs Lu Dee, 260-416-7198 and contact for
Burmese Christian Fellowship is Rev. Saw Lincoln, 260-417-7710
Ft. Wayne Baptist Church aka First Baptist Church
Fort Wayne Burmese Christian Fellowship
Friends of Burma - Neil and Diana Sowards
Friends of Burma grew out of a very meaningful experience Neil and Diana Sowards had when they visited Burma in 1985. Neil's parents had worked in Burma as missionaries for over 30 years but he had never visited there. Friends of Burma is dedicated to helping the Christians of Burma in whatever way they want to be helped. About 80% of the Protestants are Baptists, so much of our work is with the Baptists. Christians number about 1.5 million in a country of about 50 million, most of whom are Buddhist. Evangelistic Christianity came to Burma with Adoniram Judson in 1813. Since 1966 no foreign missionaries have been allowed to reside in Burma, so all work is carried on by nationals.
Fellowship Missionary Church2536 Tillman Rd
Holy Virgin Protection Orthodox Church(ROCOR)
61355 Co. road 21, Goshen, IN 46528, PH 219-210-9792
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, 2402 Smith St., Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne Seventh-day Adventist Church 228 W. Lexington Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN 46807 (260)745-1594,
Service Times Every Saturday
8:30 am - 1st Worship Service, 9:45 am - Sabbath School
11:00 am - 2nd Worship Service
Home Page:
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Orthodox Church in America
www.stnickschurch.com3535 Crescent Av. 46805 484-2277
Restoration Church, 1400 W. Washinton Center Rd., Congolese
Sami 804-4960
Romanian Cultural Society of Indiana,
Sylvia Birsan 260-267-1734
Burmese Catholic Church According to Julie Winn, community liaison for Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ sponsored Catherine Kasper Place, there are currently 74 Catholic Burmese in Fort Wayne. These families have found assistance with job development, housing and utilities, resource location and other needs at the center and other area charitable organizations.
Contact Father Peter Dee De at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Fort Wayne
Myanmar Indigenous Christian Church, 3131 Maplecrest Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46815
260.441.8146 email: abrahamthang at
Youth :
Restoration Church 4900 Old Maysville Rd. 46815
Francois and Salima Mikobi. (260) 245-6297
International Restoration Church Vimeo
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